28 February 2009

Good news

I have a little bit of good news...

Earlier in January, I had purchased a copy of GQ3 - Fleet Action Imminent.  However, there was a problem - the charts were misprinted.  The charts had copies of the spotting (and other info) tables on both sides and no gunnery tables.  Kind of difficult to run a naval combat game with no gunnery info!  So, I placed an e-mail with the publisher - ODGW - who promised to have a new set of charts mailed to me.  After some patience, the new and properly printed charts have arrived.

I intend to do a side-by-side comparison of GQ2 and GQ3 in the near future.

I also need to write a list of ship minis that I need to purchase!

Naval Gaming news - 28 February 2009

James, at his blog - Olicanalad's Games - has posted a great series on a new ancients naval game - Fleet of Battle

There is a massive series of photos of WW1 German ships at the GameSquad forums - simply amazing!

08 February 2009

WW1 Baltic, part 1

While surfing around the 'Net recently, I came across this site:

(link fixed 07.25.2009)

These pages have a great deal of information on the naval campaign in the Baltic in WW1. There is a brief description of the land campaigns in a chronological order, with notes on any significant naval actions that occurred during the same time frame. A lot of good scenario background can be found there.

That site will be the starter for a list of ships needed for my first scenarios. I need to read through the battles carefully to find an action that will have enough ships for a good GQ3 scenario for, say, 4 to 6 people (a typical convention participation game). The entry for 2 July 1915 is a good candidate...

01 February 2009

Dazzle Camouflage patterns

The Rhode Island School of Design has a collection of 455 plans of dazzle camouflage as used on US ships in WW2; here are some dazzle plan samples

Naval Gaming news - 1 February 2009

Mongoose Publishing has posted a scenario for Victory at Sea: Age of Dreadnoughts (Heligoland Bight 1917) in Signs & Portents 65 - a free PDF download

A new, revised edition of Don Featherstone's Naval War Games has been published by John Curry

Panzerschiffe has released some new models in 1/2400